
At St. James’ we aim to inspire the children to become life-long mathematicians who enjoy challenging themselves. We aim to provide them with opportunities and the skills needed to solve a range of problems and apply their knowledge to a range of real-life tasks. In maths, we aim to provide children with the basic skills needed for adult life and for the world of work. They are encouraged to think logically and clearly, to estimate sensibly, to solve problems and to use their mental arithmetic skills. We also aim to encourage an enjoyment of the subject and an awareness of the excitement that can be found as they investigate mathematics practically. The framework for teaching Mathematics is based on the new National Curriculum (2014) and covers Number – Number and place value, Number – Addition and Subtraction, Number – Multiplication and Division, Number – Fractions and Decimals, Geometry – Shape, Geometry – Position and Direction, Measurement, Ratio and Proportion, Statistics and Algebra. A clear programme is identified and ensures a balance between mental and written methods.

Maths in Action at St James'

Yr1 Maths - Base 10 Part-Whole Models

🔢In Maths, our Year 1 students have been diving into the world of Base 10 equipment to enhance their part-whole models. 🧮✨ It’s been all hands on deck as they explore and learn through hands-on experiences. 🙌

Yr2 Maths – Fractions

Fantastic work, Year 2! We are thrilled to see how hard they’ve been working to solve those tricky fraction problems. Mrs Humberstone is absolutely bursting with pride at the progress you’ve made and how well you’re grasping the concepts. Keep up the amazing effort – you’re all shining superstars!

Yr5 Maths - Subtracting Mixed Number Fractions

In Maths, Yr5 showed amazing endurance to complete complex subtractions of mixed number fractions. It was fantastic to see the children show our schools value of teamwork when supporting others to understand the method. Keep it up Yr5.

Yr1 Maths - Near Doubles

📚➕ Year 1's maths focus was ‘near doubles’ where they used their doubling knowledge to help them solve addition number sentences ➕📚 The children used practical resources to support their learning & worked fantastically well in partners, something which they are really trying to encourage within cl

EYFS Maths - Number Caterpillars

Look at EYFS’ number caterpillars that they have made; and all done independently! In Maths this week, EYFS have been subitising and representing numbers to 5 and identifying 1 more and 1 less than a given number to 5. The children created their own caterpillars with the number of decorations on the

Yr2 Maths - 3 Times Tables

You guessed it Year 2 are still counting in threes. Today they had a jumbled 3 times table on our tables and Mrs Humberstone challenged them to work together to sort it out correctly. They showed endurance and teamwork as they completed the task.

Yr3- Place Value

Since being back at school, Year 3 have been diving deeper into our three digits numbers, exploring what each digit represents. Today, we played a game, where we had to individually pick out the counters for each number representation. They absolutely smashed it. Miss Dunne is a super proud teacher

Yr6- Place Value

Year 6 have been having a great first day back. In Maths they have been looking at place value with large numbers. They had to read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10,000,000 and determine the value of each digit using equipment and reasoning strategies.

Curriculum Intent for Maths: What we are trying to achieve with our Maths curriculum.
• Our maths Curriculum will develop secure building blocks for the development of mathematical understanding, reasoning and problem solving.
• Children will develop skills in fluency, mathematical reasoning and problem solving, through well taught progressive steps.
• As part of their maths journey children will build on their previous learning, both within and between year groups.
• Progression documents in Maths National Curriculum objectives, recall facts and problem solving will underpin planning.
• Children will follow a concrete/ pictorial/ abstract approach in their learning.
• They will develop skills of resilience and determination in their work.
• Our intent is that children will aspire to, and be able to achieve, the National curriculum objectives for their year group.
• All children will have positive attitudes towards maths, they will be engaged and motivated to be able to achieve their true potential.

Implementation: How do we deliver the maths curriculum?
• Children will be taught in line with the National Curriculum objectives for their year group.
• Using the mastery approach children will learn how to tackle mathematical questions in a series of different way and representations.
• Children will take part in daily maths lessons.
• They will access a range of resources which will come from different publications and sources appropriate for their age group
• They will be taught broadly in line with the sequenced blocks of teaching specified in the White Rose Maths Hub schemes of work.
• Lesson starters will allow children to revisit, consolidate and extend learning in a range of mathematical topics.
• Well targeted questioning will assess understanding and challenge mathematical thinking.
• Formative and summative assessment will enable the next steps of learning to be planned for.
• Links with other curriculum areas will be made as appropriate- including date handling in science and representing data using computer programmes.
• Class display, working walls, connections models and targeted resources will support and enrich learning.
• Quality First teaching will enable all pupils to make progress.
• If appropriate evidence based interventions and small group/ 1:1 support will be used in addition to QFT to enable all pupil groups to develop confidence and progress
• QFT will be enhanced through appropriate CPD and training, along with subject monitoring and supportive subject leadership
• Homework will allow children to consolidate and build on objectives covered in class

Impact: What difference is the curriculum making to our pupils?
• Most children will achieve end of year expectations for their year group
• Children will have a positive and engaged attitude towards maths.
• They will be ready to progress to the next stage of their maths learning.
• Children will be confident in applying their maths skills in a range of familiar and unfamiliar context.
• They will be resilient in their work with a “can do” attitude and will talk enthusiastically about their maths learning.
• Children will have made connections within their maths learning, but also with how their learning relates to the real world.

We measure impact by the triangulation of lesson observations, work scrutiny and pupil voice, as well as
this we carry our yearly subject leader/ teaching staff discussions – where areas for development are
discussed, and for which targets for the year are collaboratively developed. The outcome of this work
forms a basis for the coming years action plans, and evaluation of impact

Mr K Simister

Maths Co-ordinator

Maths Overviews, Key Learning and Curriculum Maps

Follow the links below to find out more from our curriculum across our year groups.

Year 1 Overviews, Key Learning and Curriculum Maps
Year 2 Overviews, Key Learning and Curriculum Maps
Year 3 Overviews, Key Learning and Curriculum Maps
Year 4 Overviews, Key Learning and Curriculum Maps
Year 5 Overviews, Key Learning and Curriculum Maps
Year 6 Overviews, Key Learning and Curriculum Maps