Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

“Growing in God’s love, learning as we go”


Our Class Governor is Mrs D Gittins

In Year 1 we always look forward to getting to know our children and work with them through this academic year. Please check this page regularly for updates and key messages throughout the year. You can communicate with us and ask any questions through Class Dojo to Mrs Geoghegan on Monday & Tuesday, Mrs Parkinson on Thursday & Friday and either teacher on Wednesday. Please take a look at this page to find further information and see what the children will be doing through the year.

Year 1 Information & Downloads

Things to remember:

PE – The children should have their P.E kits in school ready for their P.E days : black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms, white t-shirt and their school jumper if it is needed outside.  Earrings should be removed and long hair tied up on these days before the children come to school.

Reading Books are needed in school each day.  Children in Year 1 will receive 2-3 phonics books each week (Monday) which they will also be covering during their daily phonics sessions. We encurage that children re-read these books throughout the week to support their phonics and sounds. The children are expected to read a minimum of three times a week as part of their homework.  The children also have opportunities to visit the school library throughout the weeks.  The children should always have their library books in school.

Homework Grids are sent out half termly. It consists of a a range of topics covered in class, reading and spellings.