Faith Council

Faith Council is lead by Mrs Molloy. They are currently leading worship throughout the terms and they are beginning to develop our understanding of Global Citizenship by looking at a range of ways to raise awareness and support for issues around the world and our own community.

The Faith Council consists of children from Year 6 who assist Miss Brady, Mr Lloyd and Mrs Molloy in all faith matters in the school, including whole school worships, celebration assemblies and services in church. In a church service of each year, members of the Faith Council are inducted at a special service in which they make their Faith Council promise which is:

The Faith Council Promise

As members of the Faith Council we promise that we will always do our best;

To serve God
To show respect when praying
To show kindness and friendship to others
To care for others in our school community
To do what is right even when it may be difficult
We pray that we will keep our school vision in all that we do and say


“Growing in God’s Love, Learning as we go!”

Faith Council Job Description

Faith Councilors will:

1. Assist with RE worship
2. Assist with religious displays
3. Assist with charity events
4. Assist with preparing Whole School Worship, Church Services, Christmas Carol Service etc.
5. Promote St James’ vision and profile throughout the school community.
6. Be approachable, providing support and guidance to students at all levels in the school, thereby fostering a sense of community within the school.
7.  Attend Faith Council meetings.
8. Represent the views of their class and communicate information to their class about matters relating to school life

Faith Council in Action at St James' 2023-2024

Faith Council Worship - Easter (25th March 2024)

Our Easter Super Learning Week started with our Faith Council delivering a fantastic worship based around the stages of the Easter Story. They will be supporting classes throughout the week as well dedicate the week to work around The Easter Story.

Faith Council Worship - Lent (5th February 2024)

Faith Council started the end of Christmas with an informative worship introducing us to Lent and why pancakes are eaten on Shrove Tuesday. The children worked with Mrs Molloy to plan their worship and lead in front of the school.

Faith Council Blessing

During our Church Service, Faith Council shared their "Faith Council Promise" with Reverend Judith. They read their promise to everybody and were also part of their Faith Council blessing. Thank you Reverend Judith for providing the blessing and supporting Faith Council through their work this year.

Faith Council introduced their charter of expectations and whole school prayers for Key Stage 1. The Faith Council Members designated their own roles to monitor and support our classes celebrate our School and British Values.

St James KS2 Class Prayers

Faith Council introduced their charter of expectations and whole school prayers for Key Stage 1. The Faith Council Members designated their own roles to monitor and support our classes celebrate our School and British Values.

St James KS1 Class Prayers

Faith Council Shoe Box Appeal

It has been brought to our attention that local groups and charities have organised a ‘shoebox appeal’ to support refugees displaced due to the conflict in Ukraine. Over the next few weeks, these shoeboxes will be delivered just off the Ukraine border.

For any member of the St James’ community wishing to support this appeal, please bring shoe boxes or items from the list above in on the mornings of Thursday 24th March and Thursday 31st March. In return for these kind donations, school will provide children with ice pops to say thank you. Our Ethos Group and Staff will hopefully be able to create a number of shoe boxes with kind donations and arrange to drop them at the local depot ready for shipment.