Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

“Growing in God’s love, learning as we go”

Our Class Governor is Mr P Adnitt

Hello Year 5,This year Mr Marren is your class teacher, with the support of Miss Crilly. We are all very excited to welcome you into Year 5 to create lots of exciting experiences and opportunities for learning. More importantly, we are looking forward to supporting you to achieve your best.

Year 5 Information & Downloads

Things to remember:

PE – The children should have their P.E kits in school ready for their P.E days : black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms, white t-shirt and their school jumper if it is needed outside.  Earrings should be removed and long hair tied up on these days before the children come to school.

Reading Books are needed in school each day.  When the children have finished a book they can change it for a new one.  The children are expected to read a minimum of three times a week as part of their homework.  The children also have opportunities to visit the school library throughout the weeks.  The children should always have their library books in school.

Homework is sent out weekly.  It consists of a Arithmetic, Grammar, TT Rockstars and spellings.