
Within computing teaching, we aim to inspire the children to be able to use a range of technology to solve problems and complete tasks. We aim to give the children the resilience and skills they need to solve a range of real-life problems in the most efficient and effective ways all whilst staying safe when using the internet. Computing prepares children to participate in a rapidly changing world. Children are encouraged to develop and use their ICT skills in all areas of the curriculum in order to enhance and develop classroom activities. Pupils in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 use the My Maths and Purple Mash websites to support their learning across the curriculum. Each classroom has a set of 6 iPads as well as 30 iPads in the school that each class uses on several occasions throughout the week. Online Safety is very important to use at St. James, and each class participates in at least 1 eSafety session each half-term plus regular discussions as part of other lessons. We have also recently celebrated Safer Internet Day. There is a detailed Development Plan for ICT and resources are constantly reviewed and updated. All planned computing lessons have learning objectives taken from the National Curriculum (2014). Please check our Curriculum, Overviews and Knowledge Organisers below

Mr K Simister

Computing Co-ordinator

Computing Overview

Follow the links below to find out more from our curriculum across our year groups.

EYFS Computing Overview
EYFS Overviews

Click on the link below to view EYFS Computing Overview

Learning in EYFS Computing

Year 1 Computing Overviews
Year 1 Theme Sheets and Overviews

Click on the links below to view Yr1 Theme Sheets and Overviews

Yr1 Online Safety

Yr1 1.2 Grouping 1.3 Pictograms

Yr1 1.4 Lego Builders 1.5 Maze Explorers

Year 2 Computing Overviews
Year 2 Theme Sheets and Overviews

Click on the links below to view Yr2 Theme Sheets and Overviews

Yr2 Online Safety

Yr2 2.1 Coding

Yr2 2.3 Spreadsheets

Year 3 Computing Overviews
Year 3 Theme Sheets and Overviews

Click on the links below to view Yr3 Theme Sheets and Overviews

Yr3 Online Safety

Yr3 3.6 Branching Databases

Yr3 3.5 Emails

Year 4 Computing Overviews
Year 4 Theme Sheets and Overviews

Click on the links below to view Yr4 Theme Sheets and Overviews

Yr4 Online Safety

Yr4 4.1 Coding

Yr4 4.3 Spreadsheets

Year 5 Computing Overviews
Year 5 Theme Sheets and Overviews

Click on the links below to view Yr5 Theme Sheets and Overviews

Yr5 Online Safety

Yr5 5.1 Coding

Yr5 5.3 Spreadsheets

Year 6 Computing Overviews
Year 6 Theme Sheets and Overviews

Click on the links below to view Yr6 Theme Sheets and Overviews

Yr6 Online Safety

Yr6 6.7 Quizzing

Yr6 6.4 Blogging